Club shoots officially resumed at Kingsmead School on Sunday 6th December and it was well received by
the members who turned up at one of the sessions. It is fair to say that no club records were under threat or personal best scores achieved, but that didn't matter as it was
about just shooting arrows after the enforced break due to the national lockdown.
Club shoots are now available to book on the ticket booking page. To comply with Archery GB requirements, tickets are needed to attend every club shoot and sessions are
arranged for Sunday and Wednesday until 23rd December, when we will break for Christmas. Shooting will then resume in January 2021.
Information on how to book tickets is available by logging into the members' section.
Lockdown Ending
England's national lockdown, due to rising Covid-19 infections, will formally come to an end on 2nd December. It will be replaced by a system of local tier levels.
Each area of the country has been assigned a tier level by the government, ranging from 1 to 3, where 3 is the highest level and has most restrictions. Archery GB
has today updated its guidance to clubs on what the new tiers mean for archery.
Generally, the news is positive in that the rules are the least restrictive since before the first lockdown. Archery is permitted
in all tier level areas, both outdoor and indoor, although in areas with the highest tier 3 rating, indoor shooting will be limited.
The good news for Caldy Bowmen is that Wirral is in tier 2, which means that we can resume indoor shooting without being subjected to the most stringent restrictions.
National Lockdown Announced - Archery Suspended
Her Majesty's Government has announced that England will be suject to a national lockdown from Thursday 5th November 2020. This is being introduced
in an attempt to reduce the number of Covid-19 infections and hospital admissions around the country. The lockdown will last for four weeks, at which point it
will be reviewed to assess the progress being made.
The announcement means that archery will no longer be allowed in any form and will come as a huge blow to the club's members, especially since the club has gone
to great lengths to provide a Covid secure shooting environment.
The upcoming club shoots on Sunday 1st November and Wednesday 4th November will take place as usual. After this, all club shoots are cancelled until the
restriction is lifted and further guidance by Archery GB is issued.
Resumption of Indoor Archery
Archery GB have updated their guidance to clubs based in the Liverpool City Region, after a successful appeal by the Liverpool Metro Mayor, to overturn the ban
on gyms and leisure centres from opening. Even though the region remains at Local COVID Alert Level: Very High, Lancashire (who are also at the same alert level)
were not subject to similar restrictions. This now means that we can resume indoor shooting, subject to abiding by the new rules that are in place.
The news is not good for archery clubs based within the Liverpool City Region, since it has been designated Local COVID Alert Level: Very
High. This is the highest category.
This means that we are not allowed to shoot indoors, but we can continue to shoot outdoors, so long as social distancing is maintained.
So, it is time to wrap up warm and dig out the waterproofs to continue the sport we love.
Club Shoots, Social Distancing Style
Club shoots officially resumed on Sunday 26th July 2020 at our new outdoor shooting venue, Kingsmead School in Hoylake, under strict social distancing rules and with limited numbers to adhere to government guidance on
social gatherings.
This weekend saw the third socially distanced club shoot take place following a midweek shoot, amid glorious weather. Attendance at
the shoots is controlled by the use of a ticketing system, since spaces are limited. Information on how to access the ticketing system is available in the
members' pages.
Club Shooting To Resume
The Club Committee can announce that we are now in a position were we are able to resume shooting. This will be welcome news to our members who have
waited patiently for this outcome.
A return to shooting will mean that things have to be done a bit differently than normal. More information on the measures that will be in place and how
returing to shooting will be implemented is available in the Member's Area.
COVID-19 Archery GB Update
Archery GB has issued guidance to clubs concerning the status of archery in the UK and how a return to shooting may be possible. The decision to resume shooting is at the discretion
of the club committee and also of the individual member.
Archery GB COVID-19 return to archery poster
COVID-19 Update
In light of today’s announcement by Her Majesty’s Government, to avoid contact with others to help curb the spread of COVID-19, Caldy Bowmen Archery Club Committee has decided to cancel all club shoots
until further notice. The upcoming club AGM has also been cancelled.
This decision has not been taken lightly, but we feel it is in the best interests of all of our members that we do so.
Cheshire Archery Association Indoor Championship
Congratulations to Sam Hamlett, for finishing in 2nd place in the Ladies Compound class at the Cheshire Archery Association Indoor Championship held on
1st March 2020.
Gronant Bowmen WA18 with H2H
Congratulations to Sam Hamlett, for finishing in 3rd place in the Ladies Compound class at the Gronant Bowmen WA18 Tournament held on
16th February 2020.
Caldy Bowmen's Junior Gent Compound archer, Rob, also shot at the event and qualified for the head-to-head round. He was drawn against Great Britain Paralympic archer,
John Stubbs, who beat Rob in that match and then went on to win the event, consistently achieving the highest score of each round. Rob did however come away with a medal for
being the highest scoring Junior Gent archer at the event.
Cheshire County Bowmen Chester Indoor Tournament Success
Congratulations to Rob for finishing in 1st place in the Junior Gent Compound class at the Cheshire County Bowmen Chester Indoor Tournament on 2nd February 2020.
Rob was also the highest scoring Junior Gent Compound archer the following day, 3rd February 2020, when he represented Caldy Bowmen during the team event.
Junior Indoor Tournament Success
Congratulations to Rob for finishing in 1st place in the U18 Gent Compound class in the Goldcrest Junior Open / Cheshire Archery Association
Junior Indoor Champsionships held at Goldcrest Archers venue on 25th January 2020.
Rob was also the highest scoring Junior Gent Compound archer on the day across all age categories.
Archery GB November Challenge
Congratulations to Rob for finishing in 3rd place in the U18 Gent Compound class for the Archery GB November Challenge.
The November challenge was a nationwide postal competition, open to all junior archers shooting a Portsmouth Round. Verified scores were submitted to
Archery GB during the month of November. This is a good result for Rob who will have competed against archers from across the UK.
Club Shoot
Reminder: There is no club shoot on Sunday 19th January 2020.